Actually, I think today and tomorrow there's a meeting in Moncton for the first time of a joint venture partnership that the Department of Fisheries and Oceans is putting in place, so I think it's a good start. It's going to be a board of directors representing different scientists and people from the different governments to identify fields of research for the salmon.
More talk between the different Department of Fisheries and Oceans branches is a solution, but sometimes it's our role to have them. As I said previously, yes, you're doing density surveys, but if there are no juveniles there you have to address that.
I also think it's part of our role, as the local group, to connect. The Restigouche River Watershed Council works through some science committees. We have representatives from the Quebec government, the Department of Natural Resources New Brunswick, DFO, and Atlantic Salmon Federation. Every year, at least once, we sit together for two days and talk about these things.
I think there are local solutions that can help for this issue.