I may not need the full five minutes, and if I have anything left, I'll pass it on to Mr. Doherty.
Basically, I think you answered one quick question that I had, and it was, is there a sustainable market for the products? But, beyond seal, on the striped bass, if there was an increase in harvest allowed there, and it sounds like there's a demand for it, it certainly would be put to full use as well if they could increase that. Is that correct?
The big question, and it's something we'll probably have to deal with more as a committee is, how do we strike a better balance when it comes time to change harvest numbers or change quotas, whether it be Atlantic salmon, seals, or striped bass, so that we don't always err on the side of caution to the point where now, for example, the striped bass have expanded to the point where they're negatively impacting the Atlantic salmon because we were cautious about the bass. Possibly we've been cautious for too long. Do you have any suggestions on how we can strike a better balance there and make those decisions perhaps a little sooner?