Thank you very much.
I want to thank our guests here today. It was very interesting, obviously, from the results of the overtime that we went into. We appreciate that. We know time is constrained for us.
From here, we take the information that you've given us. We draft a report. We amend the report, if needed, with recommendations. It will be tabled in the House. I can't give you an exact date of that because of the debates and witnesses and so on. Obviously, by the end of this year you will see a report tabled in the House, perhaps maybe in early December.
That being said, Mr. Carr, Chief Ginnish, Mr. Ward, Mr. Mahendrappa, Monsieur Aucoin, Ms. Paul, and Mr. Grey, we thank you very, very much, from all of us. We appreciate your time.
The meeting is adjourned.