Yes. I'm going to first apologize to our guests for being called out. When the office phones, you must take it.
I'm going to start off by telling you a little bit about where we're from. I'm from the Cariboo area, Prince George region. Some of you on the panel, or most of you on the panel have heard of the Williams case, the Tsilhqot’in lands claim decision. Chief Joe Alphonse is one of my very oldest and best friends, and Chief Roger William as well is a good friend. My wife and my children are from the Esdilagh First Nation.
So I understand the food and ceremonial and traditional challenges that we face as we move forward. I want to say from Lheidli T’enneh, “hadih”, which is hello from our area of Prince George.
We've had a number of testimonies over the last three or four days from first nations, DFO, and recreational and commercial fishers, and earlier today we heard that there is some relationship, but it is growing. It is getting better, I guess, as we move along. I want to hear from Chief Ginnish. Is there a business relationship that you're seeing with non-aboriginal versus aboriginal, which we're growing, and an opportunity to move that forward?