Sure. First, I'll point to the FAO report, which we can send over to you. When they analyzed stocks that had been rebuilt, there were a few commonalities. In the majority of cases, the difference between stocks that were rebuilt and those that weren't was where there was a legal requirement mandating some rebuilding. That was a general overview.
Number two, certainly we know—as I'm sure most of the committee members do—that the Magnuson-Stevens act in the U.S. is very prescriptive in that regard, requiring that action be taken within a certain amount of time when overfishing is deemed to be occurring, and also requiring that rebuilding plans be put in place when stocks are deemed to be overfished and depleted.
The EU, through its common fisheries policy, also has commitments to rebuild. Right now, we are conducting a comparative analysis of countries around the world and what their legal requirements are for rebuilding, which will be completed shortly, and I hope to bring it to the committee when it reviews the Fisheries Act.