Folks, thank you for joining us. We will now continue on.
We're going to try to do this in this way. Because we're 15 minutes behind, we're going to shorten all of the segments. We have another guest. We'll also be talking to Mr. Parsons regarding salmon. We also have drafting instructions, folks, so I hope you brought your recommendations for a salmon study.
First of all, to our guests, I'm sorry about that. We had some voting to do in the House that ran a little late. Joining us by video conference first, we have Susanna Fuller who is a senior marine conversation coordinator at Ecology Action Centre, and she's joining us from Halifax, Nova Scotia. We have also Andrew Bouzan, who is the president of the Newfoundland and Labrador Wildlife Federation, talking about cod. He is joining us by video conference also, from the city we just left, St. John's. My apologies, Mr. Bouzan, that we never had a chance to talk to you there, but nevertheless we feel your input is going to be quite valid and we thank you for joining us here today.
That being said, we usually have 10 minutes for opening statements from each of you. If you could take 10 minutes or less, that would help us out greatly.
Ms. Fuller, you're first.