Okay, folks, welcome back.
We're 15 minutes behind, but we have just one guest with us this time.
By way of background, I want to explain something. Our next guest regarding the salmon study, Mr. Parsons, is from the Environment Resource Management Association, or as we call it, ERMA. He is a general manager there regarding salmon fisheries on the river, primarily the Exploits River.
The reason we did this now is that during our trip, our field study, we had testimony from members of the Miramichi and other rivers there, Restigouche River as well. They talked about how Newfoundland and Labrador rivers were managed differently. On our way back, we thought it would be a good idea to have a submission by Mr. Parsons from Newfoundland and Labrador to talk about management in Newfoundland and Labrador on the salmon rivers. I apologize to him and others for not doing this earlier.
Mr. Parsons, we're going to get you to do 10 minutes or fewer, just briefly outline where you're from and any comments you'd like to throw in. Then we're going to open up the questions. We're going to have one question from the government side, one from the opposition side, and Mr. Donnelly from the NDP, so three questions of seven minutes each.
Whenever you're ready, Mr. Parsons, go ahead.