Thank you, Mr. Chair.
He goes on to say:
I have written two comprehensive briefs on this matter to the new Trudeau government and have not received any response from any minister and nor any invitation to appear before your committee.
I was an environment and habitat protection biologist and manager for DFO and E[nvironment] C[anada] from 1969 to 2001. I was indeed one of the Pacific Region staff that in the 1975-1976 era promoted the need for a habitat provisions in the Fisheries Act which was put in place and proclaimed in 1977. I also [am] the Canadian that found out about the Harper government planned cuts to the Fisheries Act in 2012 and made MPs, media and the public aware of that great setback.
During my 32 1/2 years in government I did promote enforcement of the pollution and then the habitat provisions of the Fisheries Act. I have been an expert witness for the DOJ, DFO, EC, Provincial and territorial governments in over 100 criminal trials from the Yukon to White Rock BC and from Tofino, BC to Mary[s]town, Newfoundland. This is more than any other fisheries expert in Canada.
I organized and ran an expert...witness course for national DFO staff and sessions for Ontario, Yukon and Alberta conservation and habitat staff on the legislation we have in the Fisheries Act, how to use it, how to collect evidence in a violation and how to properly prosecute a case. This course was cancelled during the Harper government period.
I feel I should be invited to be a witness on government plans to review and update the habitat provisions of the Fisheries Act. Please advise how that can be arranged. Should I submit a brief I will ask for assistance in translation into French. I strongly recommend that this parliamentary committee visit the West Coast to take evidence on this matter.
It's signed “Otto Langer, BSc—