Let's break it down for a moment.
First of all, I can't comment on the bear issue to be quite honest with you. I don't feel I know enough about the issue, but if it goes against some cultural rights, I'd have great concerns about it—or what we feel would be cultural rights. We know we have many on the east coast, and therefore we always like to support them where we can.
Where it runs up against curtailing a hunt, it's probably more to do with conservation. That's where I get into that, which is why the seal harvesting issue is a frustrating one because it has nothing to do with the conservation of the species in a critical way, as it does in, for instance, the recreational cod fishery or the food fishery, as we like to call it. There are limitations on it, but those limitations have nothing to do with cruelty or anything of that matter. It's just a matter of conserving the species.
There are certain groups that I do not appear with. I'm going to be quite honest with you. The International Fund for Animal Welfare may say something that I agree with on occasion, but I will not pose with them because of the way they described the practice of what we believe is historically and culturally referenced as an act of barbarism. PETA, I don't know if I'd ever want to come within 50 feet of PETA because of the absolutely ridiculous methods by which they get the word out there. Dealing with fraud is what the Honourable Mr. Tootoo pointed out.
There are some groups, however, that I've had discussions about seal harvesting with. The World Wildlife Fund, I've had some good conversations with them. Greenpeace, there are some issues that we agree upon, such as the conservation of fish species that are at a critical stage, but I certainly wouldn't want to be a member of Greenpeace, given their history of what they've said and done regarding my region.