I think the problem is that it's an unpopular thing to do in society, but it's a necessary thing to do in this industry. That's the critical difference.
What Canadians and the international world know about the sealing industry is that the pretty pups on the ice, these are mean, nasty animals. I will tell you that. I have been there. I have been a part of it and I know exactly what they're capable of. There is a huge misconception.
We don't want to do a seal cull. We don't want to take on the challenges of dealing with the overpopulated Atlantic harp seal or the grey seal or the ringed seal or the harbour seal. There are so many different species. These animals are growing at a rapid rate that is destroying the ecosystem from an oceans' perspective. When we can sit here today and tell you that since 2009 we have had over $4.1 billion in fish taken by seals because they're overpopulated, that is a problem, not just in Canadian waters. It's an international problem that everybody should be concerned about.