We'll leave that there. We're solid on April 19. I have good consensus on that.
On April 21, we're going to analyze the Comox report prepared by our trusty analyst here. We'll discuss the report as presented to us, make any changes, look at any suggestions you have, and possibly finalize it at that time.
If there are changes to be made to that report when our analyst presents it on the 21st, we'll have to have a subsequent meeting to deal with those changes, pass the report, and bring it back. That being said, we're okay with April 21 for the Comox report. Done.
Let's all turn to May. It's an open sheet here. What was one priority is now two and possibly three.
Number one, we had the cod study as proposed by Mr. McDonald. I think there was some interest in travelling with this particular study. There's also now the mandate letter to be discussed at one of the meetings. Again, I can't set a date for that, because we don't know what date the minister is available.
Can we have some discussion about May and June? I would like to have a discussion, if it's okay with everyone, about the cod study and what we would like to do with this. Do we want to travel to areas affected by the northern cod? Do we want to stay here and do it, and have witnesses here? I'm open to discussion on that one.