Yes. I can start, and then we can move to Annette if she has more specific details on the process. But certainly, yes, the way we proceeded in identifying those areas was along the same lines as the one we use for establishing an MPA. Certainly it was through research that we did with the United States where we identified not only the importance of canyons but a lot of the coral and sponge concentrations that led to those particular designations.
The fishing industry itself also provided us with a lot of information. They know where higher concentrations are, so we used that information as well.
Specifically as to whether or not this is going to proceed to be a marine protected area, right now these are areas where we would consider other measures for the purpose of saying that the only human activity that's taking place in those areas is commercial fishing, and as we reach an agreement with the industry these would be closed areas; it's not necessarily going to go forward as a marine protected area. If we feel that the conservation objective is being met and that they can count toward our target, then we don't necessarily need to proceed to an MPA.
Annette, did you have any more detail on the consultation?