I wanted to respond to your earlier question about bottom trawling. You do have to protect certain habitats from all gear types, including bottom trawling, and that has been done. We talked earlier about the extensive protection that has gone on.
You also have to realize that bottom trawling is also the best way to catch some fish. Some species you can't catch by hook and line or by trawl. The greatest volume of catch comes from bottom trawling or mid-water trawling. This is necessary if you want to have the productivity to feed nations the largest volume of fish. But you have to do it carefully and protect habitat and have selective fishing activities, which includes mesh size and grates and things that will allow for selective fishing, much as Jim said.
You're right, perception is out there. It's certainly not well informed, especially in modern-day fisheries in Canada. We have to do a better job of educating people.