I'm somewhat aware of what's gone on in California. The process there for MPAs is inside the state's jurisdiction. It took them quite some time to arrive at where they're at. Again, their approach was what I would call “stovepipe separating”, going along with focusing on MPAs and the interaction with fisheries rather than a larger integration across their whole marine space.
There were a lot of resources put to that, both for engagement and for science to try to get it right. They've come out of that on the other end. Where it's impacted their fisheries, it's certainly changed their fisheries, and changed the winners and losers there.
Again, the approach we have, the thought of the Oceans Act, that kind of integrated approach, ecosystem-based management approach, is not the approach they've taken there. They're starting to do that, or they started under the Obama administration on that, and they're still a long ways away.