I really appreciate this clarification, because it puts to rest some things that came up, perhaps needlessly. Again, it appears to be more of a process issue than anything else.
We've heard many times in the course of our studies the fact that Coast Guard and DFO resources are stretched. There are things that people want more of, particularly being closer to the community, which is why the salmonid enhancement program is such a great bridge between DFO and people on the ground. All those volunteers and all the work they do really enhance the reputation of the DFO, which we fear has been trying to become more isolated, being kind of impervious to outside science, outside input.
To maintain these programs, especially in British Columbia, and especially given the landscape that's there, is really a very productive thing. I hope it signals not just the fact that we are investing more but that part of that investment will be, in fact, closer connections with the community.