Thank you, Mr. Cannings, for your question, and thank you for describing the way that I think a lot of Canadians, when they talk to me, think of marine protected areas. They think of them as sort of national parks in the ocean. The support for national parks, as we know, is extraordinary across the country. It's the way that many Canadians understand the concept of a marine protected area, so I don't disagree with that characterization at all. I share your view.
In my own personal view, I've said publicly that we should get to minimum standards in marine protected areas. Obviously, I have considerable concern around creating future marine protected areas and having an oil and gas industry operate in those particular areas. I understand that Canadians properly ask whether that's the appropriate concept of a marine protected area. That's why—and I've had this conversation with your colleague, Fin Donnelly—I think we need to have, quickly, a group of experts to look at what those minimum standards would be and to consult with a whole series of industries, many of which you enumerated.
I would welcome your views on who, perhaps, could serve in that group. I want us to have a quick and transparent process that would, I hope, build a consensus in Canada on what those minimum standards are. Things like bottom trawling are obviously, and can be...and I'm not a scientist, and that's why I think we should ask these people the best way to achieve it. I certainly share your objective and I'd welcome the best way to get—