I have a couple of ideas on that, which I'm sure my colleagues can add to.
The first is that you're striving for compliance rather than enforcement, ideally. You want people who are using the ocean to know where those MPAs are. That's relatively easy for commercial fisheries because they're already used to having spatial fisheries closures. In their systems, they can see where those lines are. It's much harder for recreational fishers and other small fishers, who might not have those particular boundaries, and other potential users. There are increasing technologies available to assist with that. In the study I mentioned, on rockfish conservation areas, what we heard repeatedly from sports fishers is that they'd like to see an app that tells them when they're inside one of these closures and when they're not. That technology easily exists to be able to do that.
Second, for enforcement, in addition to having adequate capacity, technologies are available to know when boats—via satellites, automatic identification systems, various other technologies, like vessel monitoring systems—are inside and outside those areas. You can also tell, by their movement patterns, when they're likely to be fishing or doing other activities that they're not supposed to. Our increasing technologies are really facilitating the enforcement of marine protected areas.