Yes, well any change is rough, there's no question about it. People resist, struggle. People assume that you're trying to do something to hurt them.
I guess you had to start with attitude changes. Bob Wiseman was in charge of DFO in St. John's at the time. We had a number of meetings from community to community around Bonavista Bay that were directly affected. Then we did a consulting process in communities. We had to sell it to fishermen. We sold it.
We closed off our area as well to outsiders. We locked ourselves in and locked them out. What we did is that we took the boundaries where they never fish and we made overlap areas where both parties could fish, so it sort of appeased them.
We also—which I never mentioned—went a step further in Eastport and developed an education module on responsible fishing. We got it accepted by some of the teachers. It wasn't a mandatory thing in school, but we did get it accepted by some of the schools, which certainly educated people as well.