I wanted the opportunity to reply to Mr. McDonald's earlier questions, so this is perfect for me. Essentially, he asked about the department and its willingness to engage in a review or have consultations on vessel replacement policies. Essentially, the department's been very open to that, especially since 2003 when we released our set of 10 principles to screen any proposal against.
One key criterion was that the proposal should come from the fleet or have the support of the fleet. It's difficult to engage in these discussions with a single member in a competitive or quasi-competitive fishery, because then it becomes a case of what's given to one must be given to all. In that case, I may as well have had those consultations with the entire fleet.
I don't want to suggest or leave you with the opinion that the department isn't open to having these consultations and these discussions. We are. We welcome them all the time. I believe we've shown the Maritimes region that we're open to amending vessel replacement policies.