The whole value chain is impacted by the policy in B.C. Sea urchin is going for a very high wholesale market price, and fish harvesters are not only not getting a share of that wholesale value; they're also not getting a share of the landed value. For the most part, they can't afford to lease the licence, so they're just being paid wages to fish at very low wages. They may be getting $2.50 a pound for sea urchin that may be going for.... We don't even know, because it's not transparent. It may be $20 a pound to the market.
I think the value of lobster in Atlantic Canada and the policies combined do speak to why there are greater earnings in Atlantic Canada. There's no reason we can't have that in B.C. There's no reason that we shouldn't be able to add value to our species, that halibut couldn't be as valuable or more valuable than lobster, and that fishermen couldn't get a share of that value.