I am familiar with them, and the ONA is doing some great work there. I would suggest that there do need to be some alterations to those, especially given that they would be operating on severely endangered stocks. For example, for our hatchery, we have backup power; we have redundancy in all of our filtering and all of our pumps.
As well, we have a bit of a different climate up here. Last year, we saw -47°C for almost a week straight. You have to pump a lot of water through those tin cans in order not to get a freeze-up at -47°C.
I would suggest that, yes, there is potential, but there would need to be some modifications or some placement situations in which maybe those things would be placed in Prince George, for example, and the brood stock would still be transferred in and out, as opposed to being plunked into a really remote area that, if there was a power failure, might be extremely difficult to get to when there is 10 feet of snow in February or something like that.