The simple answer is no.
Even at this present time, when I talk about forgone opportunity, we're not allowed to retain coho on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Even though biological staff over the years have said there is an opportunity, with a very marginal impact on Canadian endangered stocks. If we had a fishery that harvested, say, 20,000 coho on the west coast of Vancouver Island, it would maybe harvest one or two Fraser-bound coho that would be considered endangered, and usually there's some flexibility in that number when we manage other fisheries.
The situation right now is so absurd that we are being forced to throw back American hatchery coho in our fishery. We're landing coho in our chinook fishery that are hatchery marked and bound for the U.S., which we know are not an endangered species. That would provide some cushion in the diversification of opportunities, and we're having to throw them back. It just seems absolutely absurd.