Thank you.
Most of our six major Atlantic herring stocks aren't doing well, as we know. Three are critically depleted and two have uncertain status. As forage fish, they play a hugely important role as prey for so many fish and other species. Rebuilding our herring stocks is vitally important for coastal communities that fish them or use them as bait for other fisheries as well.
According to the department's own survey, “Sustainability Survey for Fisheries”, or SSF 2018, only half of the stocks have estimates of targeted fishing mortality. Only one stock has a harvest control rule. Only one stock has removal reference points. These are key components of the precautionary approach framework.
Can you tell me what the department is doing to ensure there are accurate estimates of total fishing mortality that are targeted in incidental fishing mortality, and whether other elements of the PA framework are in place for all Atlantic herring stocks? These are elements like limit reference points, upper stock reference and harvest control rules with removal references for each stock status zone.
As well, how are you planning to accelerate rebuilding these stocks?