Mr. Blanchette, I will say thank you for that. I fully understand why you would be upset that this is not available in both official languages, but some things are outside of any of our control when it comes to a witness' signing on. We don't have any control over the system they're using or the method by which they are using it. They're not in the parliamentary precinct and, of course, they're not in either one of our offices per se.
I'm hearing the translation fine in my office, and I'm sure that other members on the committee are hearing it fine as well. However, unfortunately, we have a couple of witnesses who are not hearing it, so it's hard for them to answer a question. I do apologize on behalf of the clerk and the committee for not realizing this until it actually happens. I don't think anybody is at fault, but I will recommend, of course, in the future that we definitely have some way to test if the witnesses can't understand everything in both official languages and not just in the language of their choice.