I'm not saying this from an oceanographic perspective, because tidal currents are so important for the maintenance of water quality, but in my view, behind Sechelt Peninsula, for example, we have these long inlets up the coast that have salmon runs. This is under the assumption that fish farms affect migrating salmon. If you move those farms, on an experimental basis and on an adaptive management basis because I'm sure the industry is not going to allow you to just go holus-bolus....
The sound is a really good example. The steelhead have collapsed in Nootka Sound. There are huge numbers of farmed fish there.
In Barkley Sound there are very small numbers. Barkley Sound populations are pretty stable, so you'd have to try it on an experimental basis, but I am sure there are inlets—Burke inlet or some of the inlets—that have modest runs of salmon that you would just basically sacrifice.