We partner with DFO in every which way. We're the data collectors. We're raising and studying fish. We are looking through tagging and research at the bottlenecks that Dr. Beamish alludes to, at least in our area. The cutbacks on that research affect it greatly. We haven't talked about poaching. That's a factor. Bycatch is a factor.
We speak about how the countries can work together. Let's face it: After all the enhancement we do in Clayoquot Sound, we know from tagging that over 50% are caught by the Alaskans, and nobody's brought up yet the impacts of salmon ranching in Alaska. An Alaskan bird biologist noticed die-offs due to lack of food from the competition from all these ranched fish.
Getting back to us, yes, it's tough. The region is suffering. We are not able to produce as many fish. The attention is not on us.
We are not big hatcheries. We're small hatcheries, which is actually the way we should be enhancing fish, not with these giant artificial-type releases. It's ecosystem by ecosystem. That's how we approach it. We approach it with rebuilding. That is a very much more expensive way to do it than building a great big factory that works on one river.