We undertake an assessment and we undertake smolt surveys. We're looking at bottlenecks in the estuary by using tagging. We do the snorkel surveys and the creek walks to count the fish.
It's just that 20 years ago we did way more. The data gaps that Dr. Beamish alluded to are due to funding cutbacks in DFO stock assessments that don't allow us to collect as much information as we used to.
Not only that, we've mapped a human genome, and guess what? We've mapped out the salmon genome. We DNA every dead chinook we find in a river. We've built up a database of DNA that scientists like Dr. Beamish can use in the North Pacific when they're collecting and mapping DNA salmon to see where they go.
The hatcheries don't just crank out fish. We are a different hatchery. We are producing the wildest, highest-quality and most genetically sound fish. We provide tons of information that's used by other scientists.