Ms. Sonnenberg, I see you nodding your approval. I would imagine we'll get a written response. We now know what lightning sounds like on a Zoom meeting. It is a different sound. It's the first time I've heard that type of feedback and static. Anyway, I hope you're safe where you are.
Mr. Sullivan, it's interesting that you should say that. The other night, I was out fishing here on a local lake and there were some guys who came in from shore who likely weren't going to be able to tell you how many fish they caught either, but for quite different reasons. We'll make sure we look into this rule of five. It's the first time I've heard of it.
It's 2021. We're two years away from 30 years since the cod moratorium, more or less, depending on what year, 1992 or 1993. The life cycle says four to seven years for [Technical difficulty—Editor]. How come the Atlantic cod haven't recovered?