Let me add a little bit on it also.
It's like night and day. We have a very good relationship with the RCMP at home. Not too many people brag about that, but we do, we actually do. One time you used to run from the RCMP at home, but we don't anymore. They're some of our good friends now. Also, there's more presence there today. For anything you really need, they're always there. That's the demographics where we are.
Even the non-native fisheries also haven't bothered us. I know they look at us and they take videos, but they don't say anything, which is good. You hear some grumbling in the background from other people and you don't know if that's true or not, but that's third party. So far, it's been going great.
The only thing we have is that DFO is harassing us every few days by taking our traps.