Thank you to both of you.
It seems it's been expressly pointed out throughout this committee that there just has not been adequate direct dialogue among all of the parties, in particular with Crown-Indigenous Relations and the minister as well as with the communities that are going to be directly affected by all of these decisions and talks that are being undertaken.
Post-Marshall, can you describe the relationship? It seems that you've referenced it somewhat in testimony so far this evening, and I believe you referenced it, Chief Bernard. You've had ongoing talks with the P.E.I. commercial fishery. I'm sure Chief Ginnish can speak to some of the fisheries in New Brunswick.
Between you as communities and the fisheries, there has been some dialogue and conversation going on. How would you describe that post-Marshall? It seems that recently, perhaps because of what's been happening in Nova Scotia and building beneath the surface, there's been somewhat of a breakdown.
Can both of you speak to that?