No. They put out the Atlantic fisheries fund, which was certainly a help, but there was no work led by DFO. The work on bycatch, on species split, is a complicated issue, but there are two species there. One is much less abundant than the other, so you need a plan for that. We have Atlantic halibut, which you heard has exploded. That's so important. It's a big part for a lot of fixed gear harvesters in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and for their livelihoods.
We've done a lot of work, but we led that work. When I say “we”, I mean harvesters, the FFAW. We work with the processors, and I know some of my colleagues on the line here in New Brunswick and in Quebec have worked on the same issues as well. We worked with Dominique Robert to learn a lot about it. It's good to see Dominique here. He's a colleague who turned into a friend, and I appreciate seeing him. We've done groundbreaking work on Atlantic halibut to find out where they spawn in the wintertime and where they inhabit.
The bottom line is that no, DFO did not do the work, MP Small, and there could have been more support given for us to do more work. There's still more work that needs to be done here. This will be a transition.