There are certainly problems associated with the return of large vessels to the gulf. For example, this could affect the amount of incidental bycatch of vulnerable or commercially important species. These vessels also have a much greater impact than ours on the seabed and on the ecosystem in general.
Yes, we are worried about this, not only because we represent shrimp harvesters, but also because we are people from the maritime regions. There's a reason why these vessels haven't been in the gulf since the 1990s. I don't claim to be impartial, but there are impartial people out there who are extremely concerned about the return of these large vessels.
When you make a trawl tow of 150,000 pounds in one go, you can accidentally do irreparable harm to certain resources or species, such as white hake or cod. Indeed, we're not talking about resources, but species.
So, yes, we are worried about the potential impacts of these vessels on the ecosystem, which are in no way comparable to what we're currently seeing.