Okay, thank you.
Through an Order Paper question that was dated and received on November 2, I can let you know that there have been 52 times when the main operating companies Mowi, Grieg and Cermaq have all been consulted to date. The reason I'm asking is that I'm curious to know how many more times they have been consulted since November 2.
Thank you, Ms. Gibbons.
In a conversation I had yesterday with the Namgis chief, Chief Ho'miskanis—his English name is Chief Don Svanvik—he discussed with me a meeting that he recently had with the DFO lead of Pacific aquaculture transition, Andrea Cyr, where he, along with other Broughton Archipelago first nation chiefs, was told that the plan forward is a renewal of two-year to six-year licences prior to a transition plan even being tabled.
Minister, could you please clarify if this is accurate information?