We have been doing this work now for well over 20 years. We have a relationship with the Alaska Association of Village Council Presidents. We have a relationship with the Tanana Chiefs Conference. We have built a relationship with the tributaries. In fact, this summer, we have a delegation coming to my community from the state of Alaska to see what it's like to come into an isolated community in the Yukon. It's an educational opportunity.
We have built regional salmon management plans that we've shared with the various communities along the way. I signed off on the inter-tribal fish commission as part of Canada's obligation in our relationship with the United States tribes.
We have a long way to go, but we also know that the tribes and isolated communities in the state of Alaska are identical to those in my community. Half of my community lives in Alaska. The numbers that we have for our self-government agreements.... Half of my citizens are across the border. They are United States citizens. They will comply. They will be advocates. They will advocate for closures. They have advocated for closures.