Yes, that is the key take-away from my testimony.
We're seeing major and unprecedented investment in B.C.'s flood control. To build back better, we need some thought and direction and, most importantly, federal guidance on how monies are spent.
You may know that when there are federal investments in infrastructure, they're often administered by the provinces. Provinces often determine the criteria for spending, but if the money is coming from the federal government, there's an opportunity to set clear expectations about what kinds of infrastructure are acceptable and not acceptable. There are also expectations for planning, flood management, and long-term thinking incorporating climate change.
I would really like, as a take-away from this study and this committee, for there to be a clear request to Infrastructure Canada, Public Safety Canada, and whichever other federal departments work with the provinces to have a baseline expectation that the monies that are spent will build back better in a fish-friendly way, and not a one-off fix to restore what was there before, which in some cases might not be the most appropriate infrastructure.