Absolutely, I think so and, as I've mentioned, on the river but also on the ocean. New technologies and new fishing techniques both provide for the ability to better target species for mixed fisheries and prevent bycatch, but at the same time that also increases the efficiency of the catch, so that has long-term impacts.
We're also facing fisheries on the high seas. These fish know no boundaries. As has been mentioned, they're mixed stocks. There are fish heading into open water, high seas, where we have no controls. There are many fisheries that are happening out there, which we have no data from and have no control over as well. I think, for the high seas—and there's been some commentary about this, both scientific and legal—that there needs to be some consideration given for international agreements to better manage fisheries and/or eliminate fisheries in the high seas and to keep fisheries within exclusive economic zones so that each country can properly manage these impacts you're talking about.