I can share with you a document that I wrote for Jean Chrétien, Mr. Harper and now our current Prime Minister, Justin. We need a program in B.C. to where.... We had a very similar program here back in the eighties, for the disposal of cars. I happened to be in Ontario at the time. I got appointed from the company I was working with to come out and work here, so it was interesting.
You had an abandoned car program that still continues on in B.C. We need the same sort of program for boats in B.C., where we'll come out and pick a particular port and say, come out on the May 24 weekend. Our barge and crane and everything will be there. You pre-register your vessel. We go through the proper paperwork, and then we dispose of it correctly. You have to get rid of the.... You have to have source control. You have to stop it from going in before we can deal with what we have. We're not catching up to the game, as they say.