We deal a lot with live-aboards. Our policy is that we don't really ask questions. Really, the highest percentage of the live-aboards who actually abandon their stuff is maybe 2% or 3% of the total volume of boats. We have a standard, and we have for the last 30 years. We offer them services. If you're in a struggling time, we will find the monies to help you get rid of your garbage, dispose of your boats, get rid of your docks and things like that.
It's just the general concept of people leaving their boats. I know that the government and everybody says to make the owner pay. Well, the problem is that we can't find the owners. We need to take that initial money, and if it's 2,000 boats or 2,500 boats or 3,000 boats, we need to spend the resources to get rid of those and then deal with licensing the newer boats so that we can make people accountable for what they own.
Does that make sense?