Absolutely not. I said in my opening remarks that 75% of the inshore allocation was landed in four weeks this year. If we're looking at year-round employment on northern cod, obviously it's very far down the road. Employment in Newfoundland and Labrador in the fishery can be year-round, but it's based on a multispecies fishery.
I did hear Mr. Burns's comments, and I find any insinuation that we're going to be harvesting on a stock 365 days a year very troubling. We even had, at NAFO this year, Mr. Burns, who was head of the delegation, stressing that we needed a seasonal closure when it came to the offshore, whether that be domestic or international. To even insinuate that we're going to harvest a stock year-round is problematic. I just look at the 3Ps fishery right now. We don't harvest that year-round, even though that is commercial. I don't think that statement really holds any true weight.
The largest groundfish plant in Newfoundland and Labrador right now, which is Icewater Seafoods, does operate pretty much year-round, and that's on a number of different products and secondary processing. I don't think it's a valid reason on northern cod.