I guess my last statement is related to something that Ms. Jones asked earlier and that I didn't have time to respond to. There were a couple of tangents there—I'm not quite sure how they mesh together; it was very confusing—and the insinuation, somehow, that we don't support this fish being landed to plants like Icewater in Arnold's Cove. Of course, those plant workers are actually our members.
We fully support the first 115,000 tonnes of this fish being landed to Arnold's Cove and to the shrimp company in Labrador. The shrimp company does absolutely fantastic work and is the engine of its community. However, we need to do it sustainably, and we need to do it with conservation in mind. We need to do it in the ways that our members, our owner-operators and our inshore harvesters have been nursing this stock back since the moratorium. To do that, we use passive gears.
Mobile gears hunt fish, and I've heard Dr. Rose say this. Mobile gears, such as bottom trawlers, are not selective. What you get is what you get. What our harvesters fish, whether it's with gillnets or longlines.... We have harvesters who have invested in longline systems or hook-and-line systems for fall fisheries, to extend that fishery into the fall and create longer employment, as we discussed earlier. However, we need to do it sustainably. If we do that, this stock is going to support our members in Arnold's Cove. It's going to support the plant workers in every other plant where cod is processed. However, if we are going to allow technologies on this stock right now when it's in a vulnerable state and the tech is so low, then we're just going to wind up back to how it was when I was 10 years old and saw the small fish floating on the water in Port Union. I saw what those draggers brought in; I heard what those draggers brought in. I saw that plant empty; I saw houses empty. I saw my friends leave to go to Alberta, never to come back. I saw communities absolutely devastated.
We support those plants and those workers, but we need to make sure that what we're doing makes sense. What the Liberal government has done here makes zero sense, and Ms. Jones should know that, because there has been no fanfare for this decision. It was not the political win that the government keeps trying to defend and keeps trying to claim it was.
If the Liberal government is actually listening, it will know that there is backlash, and there's a lot of it. It's very volatile right now, but for some reason, the message is not getting through.