Yes, there are a whole host of new technologies, but what I will say is that, in the past, the major issue was overfishing. In both foreign and domestic, inshore and offshore, we had significant overfishing. As I mentioned, we had exploitation rates in excess of 50% leading up to the moratorium. We're talking about a fishery today with an exploitation rate of 5% with management conservation measures that are far more advanced than they ever were in the past.
We'll stand behind mobile gear fishing within Canada and globally as a responsible, sustainable form of food production. All forms of production.... We could spend a session here talking about the pros and cons of gillnets, which have lot of negative connotations as well but, if done right, can be managed correctly. It's the same with trawl-based fishing. The technology, the techniques, the approach and the management measures are far greater today than they ever were in the past, and I'd stand by that.