Thank you.
Yes, it is tricky. There are often huge delays in identifying the last known owner of a vessel. Sometimes I'll go through five different owners, or even just two, and the scent is lost. The trail goes cold. Yes, it's really tricky to identify them.
With our local bylaws in place now, on that lack of anonymity, there is a better chance to find the owners because we have the jurisdiction through our letters patent for 300 metres from high-water mark seaward, so we were able to establish that list. That was one part of your question.
If I could go to the mooring buoy piece to that, as I've stated, I think it's a very crucial part of this puzzle. It's really tricky to, as I say, encourage or to mobilize the support from Transport Canada. They do great work, but they're just inundated with work. As I say, in 15 years, we were able to do two sweeps around Bowen Island, not for lack of trying, and we have great relationships, working relationships, with TC staff.
I feel that the reactivity is there with respect to being the receiver of wreck and being able to quickly deal with a vessel that is a potential polluter. However, the identification and the proactivity are missing.