Throughout Átlk'a7tsem, or Howe Sound, we have very strong working relationships with the David Suzuki Foundation and other NGOs, and I find very engaged community members as well. The local municipalities, Bowen Island Municipality in particular, and Squamish and other municipalities around the sound, do have some budgets, and we haven't tapped into asking for funding specifically for abandoned and derelict vessels.
There's a lot of work that has to go on prior to actually removing the vessel, as we know, with finding the owners and going through many sorts of channels that lead to dead ends. Where I would say that the action groups, NGOs, have been extremely successful and very busy is in the aftermath of derelict and abandoned vessels, the cleanup, so being more reactive. I think, in speaking to lots of these folks, it just seems daunting with the legislation and the multi-tiered government legislation. We have the local bylaws and the provincial layer and the federal layer, so potentially it could be a source of funding. However, as I say, currently it's more the reactive aspect where they've been active.