Speaking to the correlation of mooring buoys and abandoned and derelict vessels, if the Canadian Navigable Waters Act was opened up, I think it would be beneficial to see more enforcement of provisions related to mooring buoys. Right now, as long as a mooring buoy conforms to the above-water aesthetics, it can be plunked down wherever.
Once a buoy is in place, we go out and take GPS coordinates of all the mooring buoys around Bowen Island so we know which ones have been put in. We do that every six months, but even with that database and the GIS layer that we welcomely share, we still can't get the action to come and remove those buoys. Enforcement is really key, and I would really like to see some sort of maybe regulation associated with private buoys as that seems to be the issue in Átlk'a7tsem, or Howe Sound.