That's a great question.
Certainly, speaking as a municipality, I don't really know what tools we have other than contacting the other orders of government, whether it's the Department of the Environment, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans or their provincial counterparts. With regard to municipalities, especially for ours.... We're a small town of 9,000 people. We don't have the staff resources allocated. Even hearing about the funds that you're talking about that are available, I don't even know how we would know any of that because there is a bit of a disconnect, going back to the previous question on what we can do better.
Hearing there's $2 billion in funding for this, I think that you're 100% right. In 2024, we should have better tools to identify.... I even think of, in many ways, this: Why are we treating vessels differently from cars? Everyone has to register their car. They have to do it every year. Hearing about $10 every five years, I wonder why we aren't doing that every year. I think that those are the things that we could be doing better in 2024.