It's a question for Ms. Brokenshire.
I had some correspondence from the Victoria yacht club and the Cadboro Bay Dead Boats Society. That's very poetic sounding, isn't it?
This will be a simple yes-or-no answer. They say in British Columbia that the province owns the beds of inland seas such as the Strait of Georgia. As such, B.C. provincial laws apply to coastal land-use activities such as the use of beaches, long-term moorage or siting and building docks, each of which are also subject to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act.
Also, they report that, within British Columbia, the seaward boundaries of waterfront municipalities are deemed to extend 300 metres seaward from the natural shore boundary. Accordingly, municipal bylaws and associated regulations applicable to activities, development and land and water use within those areas are eligible and applicable.
Is that the case? Is that your understanding?