There are two things that could occur.
One is more public moorage, but that doesn't seem to be in the cards. The federal government is divesting itself of public moorage as fast as it can, so it's left up to the private sector to provide moorage, and they do it at market value plus profit. You have to have a lot of means to be able to leave a boat in the water tied up and useful, so that's a big problem. I wish one of the levels of government would subsidize more moorage. Our harbour authority does have relatively inexpensive moorage, but it's full. There's something like a five-year waiting list to try to get a spot.
The most important thing we could do.... You mentioned the municipal ability to manage a harbour. Regional districts don't have that authority, and that's where the problem is. It's with the province, unless it's an issue with navigation, and that's finger pointing in both directions. Somehow we have to regulate the cause of the derelict boats, which are basically being abandoned at anchor and left there for years until they become derelict and abandoned.