I think a lot can be done. I think we need to be putting some new initiatives in place and put them back on the boat owner. I can say that. I'm a boat owner, so I totally understand this situation.
What's happening with the growing increase in the cost of living these days is that folks are not able to afford moorage, so they are taking their boats and anchoring them. From anchoring them one day, one thing leads to the next. It's a domino effect, and all of a sudden these boats are abandoned and become derelict.
I think this ties into insurance. Once a boat reaches a certain age.... Getting insurance on a vessel is increasingly difficult with older vessels, with the increased amount of maintenance that needs to be done on them. Again, a boat is as good as it is used. The more you use the boat, the healthier it is. Not everybody knows or understands that. I've managed and run multiple marinas in my time. That is something we tell folks all the time.
I think it starts with boat owners and educating them on what they can do. Then I think it leads to multiple levels of government coming in and helping to put processes in place.