Thank you for a very interesting question.
First and foremost, yes, the potential impacts of the Fisheries Act, particularly as it is now more of a fish act, certainly go beyond hydroelectric facilities. It has the potential to impact any electricity facility that makes use of water. That can include a wide variety of technologies, such as nuclear facilities that actually make use of water, tidal facilities and so on.
There's another aspect to this as well. One of the reasons that we tend to focus first on hydro and on hydro facilities in this conversation is that.... When we project forward to a 2050 scenario, regardless of whose scenario you're looking at, it will be what we refer to as an “all of the above” approach to meeting our electrification and decarbonization needs. In the future, there will be things such as offshore wind, tidal power, onshore wind and so on. However, hydro will play an absolutely critical role in being able to backstop those technologies. Yes, we need to focus on what we can do to build out more wind, more tidal and so on, but we also need to make sure that we expand the hydro system so that it can backstop those new technologies. Therefore, on the days when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine, we would still be able to meet the needs of customers in a way that doesn't have a significant impact on the environment.