Well, you should maybe work one up, because we may come looking for some support as we try to deal with a very difficult situation that involves our international relationships with the States and with Europe, where they do manage their pinniped populations, but they don't want us to, for some strange reason.
Let's talk about, basically, the focus that the DFO takes. They have two different things that they do. One involves a lot of attention to fishing effort. They put limits on catches. There's also, of course, the enforcement aspect. The enforcement aspect is seen to be underwhelming in terms of its efficacy on the west coast particularly. Then there's also habitat protection, which has already been alluded to. It's been mixed up with provincial responsibilities, etc.
What's a good balance there? Should we actually look at the kind of investments to do it all, and what do you expect the province to do as we modify the Fisheries Act?